Double Creek Gifts Blog

How To Trust God During Hard Times

How To Trust God During Hard Times

We're all taught from a young age how life is a series of highs and lows and it's about constantly overcoming unprecedented obstacles. No one would wish to undergo immense difficulty but would rather relish days when they're content with their lives that even if it's imperfect it is enough--having their loved ones around and healthy, finances all in check, and a smooth-sailing job. 

Sometimes, however, it's one hard blow of what seems to be an insurmountable challenge after another and we can't help but feel dispirited. We could all agree the ongoing pandemic is all of our nightmares brought to life and we've yet to get our heads around how to live with it. Many would also agree that they've never been this dejected their whole lives, many lost their jobs, worse their loved ones. It's all just overwhelming.

In times like these, we don't always respond in the best way, humbly human as we are. We might project doubt, fear, frustration, even anger witnessing things that have become out of control. It's also usually when we doubt the existence of God, we wonder why unfortunate events have to happen if He's indeed the master of all things or the ultimate decision-maker.

How to Trust in God?

Believing in Him sometimes gets hard because we feel He failed us. It's easier said than done but just how do we trust God during hard times? How do we put our faith in Him whose ways we cannot see especially when our sight is clouded by doubt (of His presence in our lives)? 

First, allow yourself to feel. As you are only human, you are bound to feel impending doom, being stuck in a dead-end or an unending dark tunnel, and wanting to beat yourself up for not being capable enough to change your situation. Come into terms with these emotions and try to separate yourself from those. 

Try to recall these past slumps you had, those periods of desperation when you ended up sleeping your worries away or managed it some other way only to realize how the dust gradually settled in the end. Try to recall how you prayed one night and surrendered all these unsettling feelings and burdens to Him because you thought it was too much for you to bear, how you gained strength at the dawn of the day and conquered it, and you realized you just became a stronger version of yourself, one that God has been wishing for you to become as he prepares you for the next step of His grand plan.

Trusting God also involves your choice, being endowed with free will. It's believing that hard times come to reveal crucial learnings to us. It's also humbly recognizing that, of the tens of thousands that He has planned for us, we see only two or three of these in play and that is why the reality is so hard to fathom. Perhaps no other Bible verse perfectly explains this than Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Why Trust in God?

If lately, you find it difficult to put your faith in the Lord, remember you've already weathered all the storms that ravaged you in this lifetime, and even now you are capable of looking forward to things as simple as light after dark, joy after sadness, peace after chaos, and good after evil. You'll realize He never failed you after all.

He has saved and forgiven you more times than you know. His mercy overflows and He tirelessly gives you many chances for you to grow. He loves you and He wants the best for you.

Isaiah 40:31 reminds us: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."

In times of difficulty,  you can wrap our be strong and courageous throw blanket around you to remind you to keep the faith.